Our attorneys have substantial experience in handling all aspects of automobile accidents involving commercial trucks. If you have been injured in an automobile wreck caused by a commercial truck, including eighteen wheelers, tractor trailers or a commercial truck of any kind, we will handle your property damage claim and aggressively pursue all claims against liability and uninsured motorist insurers for your personal injuries and physical and mental pain and suffering. We will also help you get your medical bills and get reimbursement for lost wages and lost time from work. We will also help you get your medical bills paid while you are being treated through medical payments coverage and will help you to use your own health insurance coverage to your benefit during this process.
Commercial truck accidents are not the same as wrecks that involve private automobiles only. There are many reasons you need an excellent attorney if you have been injured in an automobile accident involving a commercial truck. Don’t learn the hard way. Once you settle your claim it is too late. Give us a call so our substantive expertise and substantial resources can get you the best possible results.